Antioch Missionary baptist church
Who we are
A.M.B.C. History
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church was founded in 1916. The Reverend J. H. Williams was the first Pastor. The congregation started out meeting in a house located in an area of Pratt City called “Happy Hollow”. After Reverend Williams, Reverend I. B. Farris became the second Pastor. The third Pastor was the Reverend F. Gains. In 1935 under the leadership of Reverend Gains the Lord Blessed the congregation to build a sanctuary on Trilby street. We thank God for these men for they served the church during difficult times in our nation.
The Reverend W.M. Bryant was called to become the fourth Pastor. Under his leadership a new and larger sanctuary was built next to the old one on Trilby street. Reverend Bryant served for a total of 19 years. The Lord allowed Rev. Bryant to serve until his death. Next was the Reverend M.M. Lyas. Because of the growth of the congregation, the two buildings on Trilby street had to be torn down and the congregation moved into a building on Hivernaian street. In 1941 a new sanctuary was erected on Nelson Avenue. The Reverend M.M. Lyas served as Pastor for seven years.
In 1945 the Reverend James Robert Walker became the seventh Pastor of the church. In 1959 under the Leadership of Reverend Walker a new sanctuary was built on Hattie Street. Reverend Walker served as Pastor for more than 30 years. He will always have a special place in our hearts.
The Reverend Eugene Smith became the eighth Pastor of the church and is one of Antioch’s own sons. He is currently the only living former Pastor of the Church. The ninth Pastor was Reverend C.C. Garrett. Reverend Garrett is remembered for his scholarly “churchmanship”.
On June 24th, 1980 the Church came together and extended the call to leadersip to the Reverend Quinton Earl Hammonds. Reverend Hammonds is the tenth Pastor of the congregation. Under his leadership the congregation has grown in spirit, in truth, in size, in finance and in Grace.
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Dates & Times
Sunday Worship – Sunday School – 9:00am and Morning Worship – 10:00am
WATV-SUNDAY- ll:30a.m.
WZZA – MONDAY – 11 :30 a.m.
Virtual Bible Study – Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Contact Us
Office – 205.798.7771
Prayer Line – 205.791.1080
Conference Prayer (Every day at 7:00am) – 1-667-770-1533 access code 120062#
Van Pickup – 205.504.1070